Praise and Worship have been an emphasis of our church family life together since the beginning in 1982.  We have been blessed to have many gifted worship leaders, singers and musicians serving us over the years. Several different worship leaders and singers lead us on Sundays so the style is always changing week by week!

New Songs

Our Worship Group are always listening out for new songs which are being written and recorded around the world.  Here are links to YouTube for some new songs we have been learning in the past year:

Our Favourite Songs

As part of our regular copyright returns to CCLI we record how often we sing songs on Sundays.  Here are our Top 10 from the past year or so:

1None But JesusBrooke Tigertwood9 times
2Goodness of GodBen Fielding, Brian Johnson, Ed Cash, Jason Ingram, Jenn Johnson8 times
3What a Beautiful NameBen Fielding, Brooke Ligertwood7 times
4God I Look To You (Hallelujah, Our God Reigns)Jenn Johnson & Ian McIntosh6 times
5Great is the Lord and most worthy of praiseSteve McEwan6 times
6Who the Son Sets Free (I am who You say I am)Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan5 times
7Great Your Faithfulness, O God My FatherMartin Smith, Matt Redman5 times
8Looking in the Sky (Amazing God)Nathan Fellingham & Paul Oakley5 times
9WaymakerOsinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu5 times
10Christ Alone, CornerstoneEdward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan, William B Bradbury5 times