Please select one of the recent Sunday messages or browse the archive to listen to or download.

In our Family Service, Sonja shares from her own life story about how Jesus is the only to heaven. The video after her talk can be seen here: YouTube
Paul continues our journey in Ephesians and looks at what God's mysterious plan, now revealed in Jesus, to create a new people; His church.
Ian shares from Ephesians 2 about where God has placed us in Jesus and what He has prepared for us to do.
Chris shares on Easter Sunday morning about the evidence that Jesus really rose from the dead and the faith that this can produce in us.
At our Family Service Sheila explains what Palm Sunday is and what it means to her.
Emma revisits the second half of Ephesians 1 to look at how Paul prayed for them to grow in their walk with God. (Slides attached)

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